SmartDestination Courses

Smart Destination University Expert Course

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This course centres the attention on new knowledge and appropriate tools to develop an intelligent tourism destination and guide both public sector and private companies into developing the technologies of the future and collaborate defining the transformation of a mature tourism destination into a Smart destination. This course contents will be worked across the board of the new requirements of smartcities to focus on the considerations of a digital tourism transformation.

Course Curriculum

The Smart Destination University Expert course consists in 24 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and accumulation
System) organized in two independent short-courses:

  • Digital Tourism University Update Course (12 ECTS): centred on ICT technologies issues focused on tourism business sector.
  • Smatcities and Tourism University Update Course (12 ECTS): centred on interactions political issues between SmartCity transformations and requirements of tourism destination.

Both courses can be obtained separately or in combination to obtain the upper degree. Four subjects form each update course. The following schema describes the complete course organization.

Course program:

Module 1. Communication deployment in digital tourism (3 ECTS)
Module 2. Analyses methodologies and utilization of technologies in urban mobility and security (3 ECTS)
Module 3. Social Corporative Responsibility and public rights in an smart tourism destination (3 ECTS)
Module 4. Apps and social networks for smart Tourism (3 ECTS)
Module 5. Urban management and sustainability tourism (3 ECTS)
Module 6. Efficient energy management in smart destinations (3 ECTS)
Module 7. Climate resources and environmental risks within the smart tourism development (3 ECTS)
Module 8. Smart tourism building construction (3 ECTS)

Anothers learning activities of SIWG@UIB members

Design and reconstruction of touristic spaces and Hotels

Energy Management, Efficiency and Certification in Buildings